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A phobia is the most severe type of fear which triggers one to go to great lengths so as to avoid the object of fear.

 It's described as the extreme, irrational and often unreasonable fear of almost anything -from Pinaciphobia (fear of making lists) to phobophobia( fear of developing phobias).

 There are more than hundred phobias recognized so far and the list seems to be inexhaustible. The fear of number 13, of belly buttons or of bananas may seem frivolous to someone, but their "owners" don't find it amusing at all. Drenched with sweat, their heart speeds up and the adrenaline's pumping through their veins,  at the sheer thought of the fear object. 

Imagine just one day in their life. They will avoid all the pleasures we take for an urge of avoiding distracting situations. They don't go for a walk, on holidays even to their work. It's really that frustrating. One little spider can ruin their 3 months planned vacation!


Even if there is no actual risk or danger, their irrational fear prevails their reasoning. That's why they often feel powerless and misunderstood. Phobias are the most common psychiatric disorder affecting nearly 10% of world population.

Even though it seems that there are more phobias developed than actual objects of fear they are divided into 3cateories. Some patients suffer multiple phobias simultaneously and women are again a more likely target group. The ratio is 1:2 in favour of females.


There are four types of the specific phobia:

Fear of natural environment: including a fear of thunder and lightning(astraphobia), darkness ( nyctophobia)  or water (aquaphobia).

Mutilation: including a fear of the dentist (dentophobia), blood and needles(homophobia) or injections (trypanophobia).

Fear of animals: (alektorophobia), snakes (ophidiophobia), and insects(entomophobia).

Situational fears: including flying(aviophobia), clowns (coulrophobia)  and enclosed spaces (claustrophobia).


Fear of public places. The worst fear they experience is that they will not be able to escape quickly the threatening situations in public places and return to their safe zone again. So shopping malls or cinemas gave them pretty rough time. That's why they rather choose to stay at home.


Overwhelming and persistent fear of social interactions. It's based on their fear of being embarrassed or ridiculed in public. Their fear develops weeks ahead of the event they are going to participate in. They are also afraid of doing common things like eating and drinking in front of someone else.


  • Unreasonable, Excessive Fear
  • Immediate Anxiety Response
  • The fear doesn't have to be recognized as irrational by a patient
  • Avoidance or Extreme Distress
  • Life-Limiting behaviour
  • Six Months symptoms Duration
  • Not Caused by Another Disorder


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